Saturday, August 28, 2010

August 28, 2010 KOA near Hagerstown, Maryland

We're out for another weekend in the AG TWNKY before our big trip out west next month. Bailey is starting to get more comfortable traveling. She rides in her nice fabric dog house in the back of the Sequoia. She even lies down now -- no more frantic panting!

This is a nice campground just outside Hagerstown, Maryland. It is along the Conococheague Creek. We have a nice back-in spot along the creek. There is a great view out the dinette windows. This is a pretty nice campground. They have a snack bar where we had burgers and fries after we arrived last night. Bailey, of course, got some nibbles of burger when we got back to the Twinkie. She is on a diet, so only a few!

Oh, yes, that's what we are calling our Airstream -- the Silver Twinkie. We even got a special license plate from the state with AG TWNKY. We figured we'd find out who took chemistry in school ;-)

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