Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 14 - Last full day drive

Got up before dawn in Davenport, took a shower, got dressed, and took Bailey out for a walk. Dry camping at the Walmart is kind of fun, but it's really interesting the strange activities that go on after midnight. Groups of kids appear with their cars, rev engines, and play loud music. Delivery trucks come and go -- guess the drivers sleep during the day. Great job for a vampire!

We bought gas at the Walmart station before we headed out to put another 575 miles on the car and trailer. We were taking I-70 this time, planning to go through Indianapolis and on to Columbus to Zanesville, Ohio for our final night. Hit a lot of construction through Indianapolis. In fact, it seems every time we go through that city, they are working on the highways. It's starting to seem like Chicago. ;-)

Got to Zanesville around 7:15. Checked into a nice campground way off in the woods called Wolfie's. We only have about 5 hours to go Saturday, so we'll take our time and get out around 8:00.

Looking forward to getting home after two great weeks on the road.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:N River Rd,Zanesville,United States

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